Below is a template for a letter to the Australian Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, appealing that he use his discretionary power to allow Sheikh to stay in the country.

Note that the letter does not suggest that we know all the factors that have led to the government’s negative assessment of the Sheikh. Rather, the focus is on his right to procedural fairness – the belief that everybody in this country is entitled to a ‘fair go’.

Please adapt this letter in a way that makes it your own, but maintain the attitude of respect, believing that the Minister is concerned to see justice done.

The Hon. Chris Evans
Minister for Immigration & Citizenship
Parliament House
ACT 2600

Dear Minister,


I/We write this letter in regards to the immigration case of Sheik Mansour Leghaei, which had not been resolved over the last 11 years (his application having been lodged on the 1st November 1996).

As an Australian resident/citizen/Australian residents/citizens I am/we are concerned about the manner in which Dr. Legghaei’s case had been dealt with and the process adopted. As a person/persons who knows/know him personally/know of him and have witnessed his service and contribution to Australian community we request you to look into the case again and give him a fair hearing and a reasonable consideration of his case.

Further more we place before you our trust in Dr. Leghaei as a person who has worked towards peace, inter-religious harmony and settlement of new migrants with Australian values into the community, and do not consider him as a person who would cause any threat or disadvantage to the Australian community. On the contrary the Leghaei family had been well loved and accepted by all al who have into contact with them.

Thanking you for a favorable response to gain permanent residence

Yours Faithfully/Sincerely,


Feel free to contribute your own letter as a comment